Friday, October 14, 2011

{{My kiddos}}

My kids are my Life, and without them, I do not know where I would be!

Dominic Is my oldest, and he is going to be 5 (where did the time go?) in December. Crazy to think it has been that long since I found out I was expecting my first baby. He is a very energetic Boy, and can have a major attitude! Which he gets from his Father by the way! He is my cuddle bug, and very sensitive! Now that he is in Pre-K, he thinks he is "too old" for a kiss from Mom in front of his friends! :( How sad is that? Cherish the time you have with your children, and take LOTS of pics, the grow too fast!

 Now Kyle, he is a Momma's Boy, and SUPER sensitive! He likes to tease his Brother, and knows how to push buttons. He just turned two this past July, and I think he is going to out grow is older Brother. He is "the" baby, but he is very smart for his age! Everyday he is finding and saying new words, and sentences!! Why do kids have to ever grow? Cant they stay little FOREVER??

You would think that for having a Mother who is a Photographer, they would be better and more cooperative when it comes to having their pictures done. NOT! It takes me at least two hours to do their pics, and MAYBE get 5 good pictures of them. Dominic hates to look at the Camera, and Kyle hates to sit still!

They are the sweetest boys you will ever meet! The have infectious smiles, and their hugs are so squishy and warm! I could not ask for more from them! (well, maybe to fight with each other less.) But other then that they are PERFECT!

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